DIY Building Monument Valley in VR

Process of Building First VR Space

WE-AR studio
3 min readJun 5, 2021

Why do I make VR space?

  • Easier to create and build space (than in real life)
  • Allow people to experience and feel connected in the VR space
  • Accessible anywhere (you can join with a headset or on a browser)
Final output


  1. Set a concept and mood board ✅
  2. Make a mockup ✅ Build modelling in 3D software ✅
  3. Export and explore the new space ✅

1. Mood board

Some of the image assets from Envato and ref images from an illustrator @hsiaoroncheng
Inspiration from a photographer Jeanette Hägglund and Monument Valley
  • Goal: Create a magical place like Monument Valley that gives a peaceful fantasy feel using a mix of simple geometric shapes. (Imagine yourself relaxing in a place like Monument Valley – how cool would that be?!)
  • Colour: Pastel tone, blurred, watercolour

2. Make a design mockup and build the model

Sketching idea and modelling in SketchUp and C4D

3. Upload the model into Hubs

I followed a youtube tutorial to post on Sketchfab but it turns out I cannot use their converting file function if I’m using a free account. The paid subscription starts from $7 monthly — at this point, I don’t need it.

Link to the model in case anyone wants to download

And, I found an alternative way to convert my file.

Export your C4D file into fbx and there are some websites that convert the file to gltf or glb file. Once you have it, you can just drop your file into Spoke. I used a prebuilt environment for the background.

My first VR space link:

If you’re joining with a VR headset, enter code: 171723 on

Demo video:

Overall, it was pretty easy to follow online tutorials to build VR space on Mozilla hubs. I find the space looks slightly different with a headset compared to the look on desktop web.

1. Informative instruction on how to navigage and other interaction design. I felt confused to take pictures in the space — yes! you can even take a selfie of your avatar in the space.

2. Having different floor levels is not easy to access.

3. Ambient sound or background noise, moving elements can add extra depth into the experience.



WE-AR studio

WE-AR is a creative studio making wearable AR lens and VR space. The blog is written by the founder, Lena as she explores. Stay tuned